This list can serve as help to discern false prophecy.
- Propagates false doctrine
- Clamors for peace on earth
- Calls for elimination of world hunger
- Proclaims the religious unity of man independent of God the Creator or the new birth (ecumenism)
- Exalts the flesh (humanism)
- Divides the flesh from the spirit (carnality)
- Exalts the primacy of man
- Defiles the worshipper
- Eliminates sanctification
- Blocks holiness
- Causes retreat from God
- Fosters carnal indulgence; appeases carnal appetites
- Turns to the world (secularism)
- Makes the flesh (humanity) its strength
- Leads to or culminates in, immorality, immodesty, or hedonism
- Is self-serving and indulgent
- Makes provisions for the flesh instead of God
- Ignites strong cosmopolitan influences
- Exceeds the realms and boundaries of Scriptures
- Ignores the cross and salvation
- Compromises God’s righteousness – misconstrues or otherwise diminishes or subjugates it
- Causes wavering and double-mindedness
- Diminishes or humanizes Christ’s deity (by ignoring or overriding)
- Dismisses the Lord’s sovereignty
- Conflicts with or counteracts scriptural truth
- Clashes with established and revealed prophecy
- Grieves or quenches the Holy Spirit
- Causes isolation from the saints
- Interferes with worship and service to God
- Condones sin; sympathizes with flesh’s whims
- Perverts doctrine
- Sparks heresy
- Negates the new birth – crushes the new creation
- Makes salvation a matter of flesh and gender
- Spawns greed, envy, and lust
- Breeds or culminates in, irresponsibility or recklessness
- Precludes the will and ordinations of God
- Coincides with, and endorses, worldly views and philosophies
- Empowers, exalts, and protects the devil and sin
- Is consistent with or closely linked to, desires, temperaments, or beliefs of the old manifestations
- Is impossible to find in Scripture, or to be sustained by it
- Fosters demonism, painting it as benevolent
- Shields rebels from God to prevent acknowledgment of sin, His justice, and righteous judgement.
List adapted from *Price PA PH.D. The Prophet’s Handbook 2008. p. 335